Blackjack Betting Deviations


The best card counting method in blackjack is the one that you’ll use most consistently with the least amount of trouble. You can also measure various systems by how accurately they inform the sizing of your bets and the deviations from basic strategy that you’re going to make. What’s more important to you makes the biggest difference. However, professional blackjack players claim that your long-term win from hitting 7-4 represents 0.147 times the original bet you placed, while the long-term win from doubling down on the same hand represents 0.127 times that bet.

Hi folks
This is my first post on here,
I'm Colin from Glasgow, Scotland
So BIG high to you all🖐
Saw the David Kuvelas's Blackjack Secret Code strategy on Youtube and wonder if any of you have tried playing this strategy?🤔
He was selling it for $400 but is now showing it on there for free so there is nothing to buy
Just curious on what the house edge would be playing that way and if any had tried it
The comments below the video seem to be pretty positive about
Thanks in advance for any feedback

Hi folks
This is my first post on here,
I'm Colin from Glasgow, Scotland
So BIG high to you all🖐
Saw the David Kuvelas's Blackjack Secret Code strategy on Youtube and wonder if any of you have tried playing this strategy?🤔
He was selling it for $400 but is now showing it on there for free so there is nothing to buy
Just curious on what the house edge would be playing that way and if any had tried it
The comments below the video seem to be pretty positive about
Thanks in advance for any feedback

Hi Colin, Welcom to the forum.
I'm in the UK too.

Blackjack Betting Deviations

BlackjackSeen that video before and pissed myself laughing each time. It has been discussed on this forum already. I'll look out the link in a while.
Wow! are you being humourous? You don't really believe any of his nonsense do you? Please don't believe it!!!

Blackjack Betting Deviations

His statistical analysis math's is completely wrong. He keeps saying 'Mathematically' as if he knows any mathematics. All just totally and fundamentally bad math's.
We could fairly easily work out the house edge for his style of play, but with a finger in the air, I'd anticipate it leaps from 0.7% to about 3% for UK rules.
Positive comments on a youtube video are worth the paper they are written on.Blackjack Betting DeviationsBlackjack Betting Deviations
His video presentation style sucks too. Can't he do powerpoint?
Take care out there. Spare a thought for the newly poor who were happy in their world just a few days ago, but whose whole way of life just collapsed..
Hi there
Thank you, I did think it was a bit out there wacky😩 and his maths did get me thinking really is that right!?🙄 as I have all ways played the right way using BS
And have seen most of the arguments of playing BS v any other strategy so I did think his maths was a bit dodgy even though if you didn't know any better you would think well he must right
Thanks for your reply once again👍😉
Thanks for this post from:

Hi there
Thank you, I did think it was a bit out there wacky😩 and his maths did get me thinking really is that right!?🙄 as I have all ways played the right way using BS
And have seen most of the arguments of playing BS v any other strategy so I did think his maths was a bit dodgy even though if you didn't know any better you would think well he must right
Thanks for your reply once again👍😉

Nice to encounter another Brit here, even if you are Scottish 😉I invite you to read my blog here, where I relate my Blackjack escapades.
Take care out there. Spare a thought for the newly poor who were happy in their world just a few days ago, but whose whole way of life just collapsed..
that dude won't give me my $400 back!
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

that dude won't give me my $400 back!

A bit of googling that David guy, reveals he is a vicious anti-Semite... I mean really out there vicious.
He also spouts some of the MOST outrageous conspiracy theories... All while promoting his oil trading strategy training.
I'm not going to pollute the internet with the links I found. They should be buried, not given SEO.
Take care out there. Spare a thought for the newly poor who were happy in their world just a few days ago, but whose whole way of life just collapsed..
He is that! horrible terrible video's😠😠😠
Thanks for this post from:

Hi there
... if you didn't know any better you would think well he must right

Classic scam artist M.O.
I am an employee of a Casino. Former Table Games Director, current Pit Supervisor. All the personal opinions I post are my own and do not represent the opinions of the Casino or Tribe that I work for.
Hi OnceDear
So what's working for you then?
You just using BS and flat betting or are you doing something else? 🤔
Are you playing normal Blackjack or live dealer Blackjack?🤔

Hi OnceDear
So what's working for you then?
You just using BS and flat betting or are you doing something else? 🤔
Are you playing normal Blackjack or live dealer Blackjack?🤔

Hi Colin, and welcome to the forums. There's a couple different levels you could play blackjack at, if you wanted to:
1) Casual gambler. In this instance the best thing you could do with the minimal effort is to play using perfect basic strategy. In american casinos at least you're even allowed to bring a basic strategy card with you to the casino to use as reference, so you don't even need to memorize (though you should).
2) Weekend Warrior. This is someone that wants to make a little extra money in blackjack. They will learn basic strategy FLAWLESSLY (for the different games of H17 and S17 as well). Then they will learn to count, apply a bet spread, and play with deviations to basic strategy according to the count.
3) Semi-Pro / Pro. These are the people that want to make some kind of real money playing blackjack. Not just a couple hundred bucks a weekend, but maybe a couple thousand (or more). They will know flawless basic strategy, they will be able to count perfectly in their sleep, and they will absolutely be applying playing deviations to their game. They'll also understand the game on a higher level, such as why TC +3 is the most bang for your buck... and what the different spreads and counting systems will do to their EV, as well as have a deeper understanding of penetration and heat.
You don't need to know all of the verbiage above. On this very site in the Articles section you'll find my 3 'A to Z' counting cards in blackjack articles. There's a LOT of information in them, so I generally suggest a read, and a re-read of them. They'll take you from A to Z in having a winning game when it comes to blackjack. All the math is in there, hopefully translated to simple english to understand, and best of all, IT'S ALL FREE. There is SO MUCH FREE information about blackjack online you should NEVER pay for any kind of 'system.' I even will answer any questions you have via Private Message, a new thread in the blackjack section, or by commenting on the articles themselves. No need to pay anyone a dime.
Playing it correctly means you've already won.